Seapath people - Chapter I

We are starting a new chapter for more transparency:  introduce you to the people that are somehow a part of this community, from the founders until the illustraters that ocasionally work with us.

First part of this chapter are the people that really make our clothes. 

This people are from a small place named Nine, between Famalicão and Barcelos in the north of Portugal. In the picture you can see 10 of 11 employees that are sewing your clothes in a small family-operated factory. They work in this business since ever, and they have a big knowlodge about the textil industry. 

We know them since ever. They are our neighbours, we know their families, we help each other with our problems, we share food, we are a real community. Our relation is more than just professional.

They are more than just the people that do our clothes.